Faculty Coordinators 

Anagha Tambe
Currently serving as the head of the Savitribai Phule Women Studies Centre in Pune University, Anagha has been closely connected with the Marx Phule Ambedkarite movement in Maharashtra. As a Dalit feminist, she has seen and theorized about the intersectional effects of caste and gender oppression in Indian society. 

Annapurna Waughray, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Waughray is arguably the foremost scholar on caste and law in United Kingdom. Her focus is on legal regulation of caste discrimination in the UK, India, the diaspora and in international human rights law. She is a co-author of the UK Equality and Human Rights Commission’s Research Reports on Caste in Britain and is working on her next book,Capturing Caste in Law: The Legal Regulation of Caste and Caste Discrimination." Before moving into academia, she worked in public sector with migrant populations, health and women’s rights and practiced as a Civil Litigator. More onhttp://www.law.mmu.ac.uk/about-us/our-staff/staff-profile/?var1=68

Meena Dhanda, Wolverhamton University, United Kingdom

Prabha Kotiswaran, Kings College, London
I am a lawyer (once practitioner and now academic) by training and an ethnographer at heart. My feminist acts of micro-resistance through young adulthood found voice during my years as a law student at the National Law School of India University, Bangalore when an immensely powerful (now unfashionably instrumentalist) vision that saw the law as an instrument of social engineering resonated with me every single moment on campus. It was as part of the NLS team in an extraordinary experiment in legal education, the Community-based Law Reform Competition that I first encountered the world of the lumpen proletariat, that of sex workers. Ever since, I have learnt and written about women's reproductive labor as a materialist feminist critical legal scholar with a fascination for methodological experimentation and a commitment to redistributive justice, a position that is almost always in tension with dominant iterations of feminist, leftist and legal thinking. I embrace these several positions of marginality within mainstream academic discourse with enthusiasm and a constant yearning for praxis between the worlds of academia, activism and policy-making. My academic profile is available at http://www.kcl.ac.uk/law/people/academic/pkotiswaran.aspx

Rahul Ramagundam, Jamila Milia Islamia, Delhi

Sai Thakur, TISS rural campus at Tuljapur
Herself an OBC feminist, Sai grew up in Bombay in the 80s in a Socialist family. She found herself gravitating to Bahujan identity and politics in her 20s and decided to pursue the intersection of caste and gender in her PhD by studying the Agri women in the Konkan belt. She lives in the serene campus of TISS in Tulajapur and teaches sociology, research methods and one optional paper on social exclusion. See more athttp://campus.tiss.edu/tuljapur/faculty/sai

Saumya Uma, National Law School, Mumbai
Saumya started her journey in lawyering for human rights at the NLS, Bangalore and has worked as a lawyer, law researcher, trainer, campaigner and activist on issues pertaining to gender, law and human rights. She has been an international consultant for the UNDP preparing a tool on witness protection with an integration of gender concerns. She was the National Coordinator of ICC-India: an anti-impunity campaign on mass crimes and international law – from 2002 to 2010. She is actively associated with people’s movements for dignity and rights to vulnerable and marginalized communities which is evident from her vast body of action research, available at https://works.bepress.com/saumyauma/
Sawjanya Tamalapakula

Sumit Baudh

In-house Team

Sameena Dalwai
‘Why are Indian toilettes dirty? Why is majority of India still illiterate? Why Bollywood favours Muslim heroine and Hindu hero, not vice versa?’ Sameena Dalwai thinks the answer to all these questions point toward the politics of caste and gender and wishes to explain why through this blog. Growing up on the stories of Marx, Phule, Ambedkar in a socialist, Hindu- Muslim family in Mumbai, Sameena walked in workers rallies as a child and turned out to be a radical feminist as a youth. Now she finds it impossible to deal with patriarchy without the incumbent caste. She writes on gender, identity, caste, class in English and Marathi. She teaches at the Jindal Global University in Sonepat, Haryana.

Rhia B
Rhia is a twenty one year old law student who hasn't let go of her teenage angst. She loves the Arctic Monkeys, pizza and crushing the patriarchy. On the weekend you can find her at home watching makeup tutorials, eating Mexican food and lecturing someone about social justice. She used to spend all her time writing about the world on tumblr, and now she does it here. 

Sri Lalitha R
Lalitha is a BA LLB student of O.P Jindal University. Growing up in an upper caste family in Hyderabad, she was always surrounded by heteronormative notions of caste and gender. Being an inquisitive child, she always questioned these but was never satisfied with the answers. This urge inspired her to pursue law and more specifically gender studies. Even now, her inquisitive personality has her changing people's mindsets by debating and challenging their ideas. Some call her a radical feminist, but who knows? When she isn't changing ideologies, she's cooking food for others and making their lives a little brighter. 

Student Editors

Anju Christine Lingham 
Anju has a fascination for engaging with the written word. She has therefore been drawn to work that allows her to indulge in it: editing, writing, interpreting and reading. Studying political science at the University of Hyderabad opened her eyes to the various ways in which power goes hand in hand with language. She is currently pursuing a PhD at the law school at King's College London, where her study on sexual violence and feminist politics in India has increasingly come alive to the necessity of foregrounding its relationship with caste. 

Aarushi Mahajan 
Aarushi is a fourth year law student from National Law University Delhi. She is a passionate feminist who is keen to learn to explore the intersectionalities that impact gender relations and vice versa. She is a co-founder of the GenderCircle NLU Delhi and has been involved in activities surrounding gender sensitisation and awareness. She believes that writing is a powerful instrument that can promote discussion and allow for exchange of ideas, something that is pertinent for our generation.

Kritika Chandrakant Vidyarthi 
Having grown up in a rather pampered and ignorant environment, Kritika feels her thoughts gained freedom after coming to a Law School. Hearing about and dealing with real time, social issues she believes in the power of information and the importance of awareness. She has a flair for writing and has always taken to putting into words anything that she feels strongly about.

Kavya Kartik
Kavya is an LLB student at Jindal Global Law School with a physics degree from the United States. She wanted to be an astronaut but life took her along the path of Marxist theory instead. She is committed to caste abolition, LGBT rights activism, and the liberation of women. Through this blog, she hopes to change the current discourse on sexuality and gender relations. Kavya can speak English, Hindi, and Tamil fluently, and her French is a work in progress. She also happens to love kittens, chocolates, American TV shows, and Harry Potter. 

Madhavi Achaiah
Madhavi is a third year law student at Jindal Global Law School. She has always been keenly interested in writing about caste and gender, particularly on issues related to politics and society. Her favourite topics of discussion are reproductive rights and cultural relativism, both of which she enjoys reading and writing about. By working on this blog, she wants to encourage open discussion on sexual violence and caste politics in a safe space.

Naveen Nagarjuna
The complexity and oddness of India's social structures sometimes leaves me dumbfounded. The whole system is designed to gratify ego, even those of the insignificant, like us.'These are words by Daya Pawar, a writer from Maharashtra. Naveen engages in dialogues which examine and re-think such egos and structures. Listening to voices ask questions which have muted lives thrills him the most. Naveen focuses his reading and writing on subjects of gender, sexuality, environment and law. He is current a student of law at Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi.

Preeti Dash
A lawyer herself, Preeti has been amused by the strange ways in which the legal fraternity works. And why not? What else can be said about a community of professionals who fight for ‘equality’ before courts, yet refuse to hire female lawyers for ‘fear of repercussions of sexual harassment’ or when a judge who is supposed to be an ‘embodiment of justice’ refuses to sit on a chair occupied by a Dalit predecessor? Preeti finds some answers in the fact that the legal community is after all, just an extension of the society we live in, one that is ridden with gender and caste prejudices.
Preeti currently works as a Research Associate in the Centre on the Death Penalty at National Law University, Delhi and attempts to subvert patriarchy in each small and big step of her life.